We provide annual fall and spring mooring services to customers throughout our service area in Duxbury Bay.  The annual mooring service includes both spring and fall services as well as harbormaster service notifications. The spring service includes preparation, inspection and installation of your mooring buoy, pendants and pick-up buoy. Each spring we ensure your gear is clean and ready for the season with fresh paint and lettering on both your mooring buoy and pick-up buoy. The fall service includes preparation and installation of your winter buoy along with removal, cleaning and storage of your mooring buoy, pendants and pick-up buoy.

We fully inspect your gear each spring to ensure it is safe for the season. Worn and unsafe materials will be replaced and we will make every effort to notify you prior to replacement. Mooring chain and shackles typically require replacement every three years and we will notify you if your chain is due for replacement. Please note, the life of your mooring equipment and potential premature wear can be due to various environmental and other factors. Thus, we can not make any guarantee on the useful life of your mooring gear.

In addition to annual mooring services, we also rig and install complete new moorings throughout our service area and will gladly provide you with a quote based on the location of your mooring and the size of your boat. 

All moorings require annual permitting through the Duxbury Harbormaster's office.  No moorings can be installed, moved or have any other changes in boat or ownership without prior approval of the Harbormaster.


Mattakeesett Moorings, its agents, officers, and employees shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to your boat if it breaks free from its mooring or incurs damage by any other means, including being hit by other boats, not being tied up properly or circumstances beyond our control. Whether you own, rent or lease your mooring equipment, there is an inherent risk in keeping your boat on a mooring, which every boat owner must be aware of. Owners can help reduce the risk of damage to their boats by making sure pendants are led correctly on the bow, proper chafe gear is used, and proper precautions are taken before poor weather conditions occur. If you have any questions about keeping your boat on a mooring, please contact us for recommendations.